“mini” camp ivrt
for students in grades 1-8

Join us at “Mini” Camp IVRT!
an unforgettable journey filled with creativity and fun!
Welcome to "Mini” Camp IVRT—an exciting performing arts program designed to inspire young individuals to discover their unique voices through singing, acting, and movement in a positive and supportive environment.
Grouped by grade level, students collaborate as a team—practicing empathy and learning to listen and respond effectively while developing critical thinking skills. Through fun educational games and exercises, they gain confidence in expressing themselves and thinking quickly, without the fear of making mistakes. IVRT co-founder Donna Marie Minano teaches the classes along with IVRT teaching artists.
Participants read scripts and scenes aloud, focusing on conveying emotion and expression. Each session is different, featuring songs from popular Broadway musicals, making it a thrilling experience! Each session culminates in a recital, and the spring session culminates in a performance of an original play created by the students and written by a local playwright, complete with additional songs.
Each week, students engage in a variety of fun activities, including popular games like Zombie Eyeballs, Night at the Museum, ZipZapZop, Emotional Family and many more! In each 50-minute, age-appropriate themed session, participants unlock their inner actor through interactive games, explore entertaining Broadway musical songs, and showcase their vocal talents, individually or as part of a group.
Additionally, students learn basic movements and choreography to lively, popular songs. They will have a fantastic time expressing themselves in a nurturing environment and building lasting friendships.
Inland Valley Repertory Theatre (IVRT) is a nonprofit theatre company founded in 1990 by husband and wife Frank and Donna Marie Minano. Mini Camp IVRT is taught on the campus of the Claremont Community School of Music in Claremont.
FALL Dates: Sep 19 - Dec 12 (No class Oct 31, Nov 28) - 11 classes $154
Fall Session “Holiday Celebrations” will culminate in a demonstration recital at the music school and a community outreach singing event in the Claremont Village!
Winter Dates: Jan 9 - Mar 13 - 10 classes $140
Winter Session “Creating Our Story” will culminate in a demonstration recital at the music school. Our students will also create an original story to perform in the Spring session!
Spring Dates: Mar 27 - May 29 (No class Apr 10) - 9 classes $126
Spring Session “Getting Onstage” a local playwright will take our Winter session student story and turn it into a musical with songs from popular Broadway musicals. This session will culminate in a performance of our student-created, original musical!
Class Size: Min 8 / Max 12
Instructor: Donna Marie Minano and Inland Valley Repertory Theatre (IVRT) Instructors
Classes meet at Huff Recital Hall, Claremont Community School of Music, 951 W. Foothill Blvd., Claremont, California 91711
For students in grades 1-3:
Classes meet Thursdays 3:30 pm to 4:20 p.m.
For students in grades 4-6:
Classes meet Thursdays 4:20 to 5:10 p.m.
For students in grades 7-8:
Classes meet Thursdays 5:10 to 6:00 p.m.