In 2022, IVRT Inland Valley Repertory Theatre...
served a total of 1,347 people in Claremont, Pomona, La Verne, Upland and BEYOND, through our affordable theatre programs and educational outreach:
5 performances of THE WORLD GOES ROUND at the Candlelight Pavilion
3 performances of OUR LADY OF THE TORTILLA at IVRT’s Supper Club at Eddie’s Italian Eatery
3 performances of I’M NOT RAPPAPORT at IVRT’s Supper Club at Eddie’s Italian Eatery
5 - week Summer Camp IVRT Musical Theatre workshop for youth at Claremont Community School of Music
4 performances of TINY BEAUTIFUL THINGS at the Cabrillo Playhouse in San Clemente
4 performances of MARRY ME A LITTLE at IVRT’s Supper Club at Eddie’s Italian Eatery
1 world premier performance reading of the new play The Jewtalian, plus YouTube broadcast of the play